
How to Become an 暖通空调 Contractor


加热, 通风, 和空调(暖通空调)有助于改善室内空气质量, 有助于健康, more comfortable environments. 在美国.S., 每年在暖通空调服务和系统更换方面的支出约为140亿美元, 根据美国.S. Department of Energy (DOE); this reflects 的 暖通空调 & 制冷工业在我们的日常生活和经济中的重要性. 

对于那些希望学习如何成为暖通空调承包商或分包商, 职业道路包括 专业的培训, relevant skills, practical experience, and certifications. 

What Does an 暖通空调/ R Contractor Do?

暖通空调承包商负责保持最佳的室内温度和空气质量, responsibilities that require an understanding of 的 intricacies of installing, maintaining, and repairing 暖通空调/ R 系统. Various types of 暖通空调/ R units include furnaces, 锅炉, 空调, 热泵, 制冷系统. Below are some responsibilities of an 暖通空调 contractor.


暖通空调承包商的机械师和技术人员在新建筑和家庭中安装供暖和制冷系统. 他们仔细评估空间并确定系统的适当大小和容量. They may also need to install or update ductwork, wiring, and pipes.


Regular 维护 is key to keeping 暖通空调 & 制冷系统运行在最高性能和有效利用能源. 暖通空调 contractors conduct routine inspections, 清洁空气过滤器, 检查制冷剂液位, and uncover potential issues before 的y become big problems.


暖通空调承包商被要求诊断和修理故障的暖通空调系统. 他们排除故障,更换故障部件,并使系统恢复工作状态.

Steps to Become an 暖通空调 Contractor

的关键步骤如下 path to become an 暖通空调 contractor.

Step 1: Complete a Training 程序 to Become an 暖通空调 Technician

进入职业领域成为暖通空调承包商不需要正式的大学学位.  However, completing a formal 暖通空调 & 技术或贸易学校的制冷教育课程可以提供坚实的知识和技能基础. These programs typically cover topics such as electrical 系统, 制冷原理, 加热系统, and air conditioning technology.

Step 2: Develop Key 暖通空调/ R Skills

Success as an 暖通空调 contractor goes beyond mechanical aptitude; it demands a grasp of 暖通空调/ R 系统, including how 的ir components interconnect. 

快速准确地诊断问题不仅需要熟悉这些元素,还需要对电气和机械原理有深刻的理解. 因此, 暖通空调专业人员必须能够理解接线图,并具有遵循详细蓝图和施工规范的技能. 这个知识库对于有效地解决问题和满足工作要求是必不可少的.

Precision is crucial in 暖通空调 work. 密切关注细节的能力有助于确保暖通空调承包商正确执行安装和维修. 暖通空调 contractors often interact with clients directly, so strong communication and interpersonal skills help ensure excellent customer service.

Step 3: Gain 暖通空调 Work Experience

从暖通空调学徒开始,在经验丰富的技术人员的指导下提供实践经验,从观察到积极参与和负责. Apprentices typically progress over three to five years, 积累2,000 to 3,000 hours of practical experience, with licensure requirements varying by state. 在初级阶段获得的经验为中级职位铺平了道路, in which professionals may supervise teams, 管理安排, 处理招聘事宜. 

Step 4: Obtain Certifications

作为想成为暖通空调承包商的人,认证对于展示专业知识和可信度至关重要. While requirements vary by state or region, 通常建议获得认证,在某些领域可能是强制性的. Below are some of 的 most recognized 暖通空调 certifications.

EPA 608认证

The EPA 608 certification is required by 的 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for handling refrigerants. 它展示了个人对正确的制冷剂处理和处置程序的知识.


Offered by North American Technician Excellence (NATE), NATE认证验证暖通空调专业人员的安装技能, 维护, 暖通空调系统的维修. It covers various specialty areas, allowing individuals to specialize in various aspects of 暖通空调 work.


The American Society of 加热, 制冷与空调工程师(ASHRAE)设定全球供暖, 通风, 空调, 和制冷(暖通空调-R)标准,并提供认证,以表彰暖通空调-R行业各个方面的专业知识和技能. The certifications require distinct qualifications and experience.

Manufacturer-Specific Certifications

许多暖通空调设备制造商提供针对其产品的认证. 这些认证可以提高您在使用特定品牌和设备方面的专业知识.

Step 5: Continue Professional Development in 暖通空调

The 暖通空调 sector is constantly advancing, 特别是当许多州的法规改变了他们的能源效率要求. 希望成为暖通空调承包商的个人可以从不断发展的技术和方法中受益. 持续的专业发展包括参加行业活动, 比如会议, 研讨会, 和研讨会, and regularly consulting industry trade organizations, 出版物, 以及数字平台.

Job Outlook for 暖通空调 Contractors

根据美国劳工部的数据,暖通空调行业的就业前景一片光明.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), which projects growth of 6% from 2022 to 2032 for heating, 空调, and refrigeration mechanic and installer roles. 增长率, faster than 的 average for all occupations, 是否归因于对节能气候控制系统的日益增长的需求以及用新系统替换旧系统, 更高效的模型.

Prepare for a Fulfilling Career in 的 暖通空调 Industry

For those passionate about mechanical 系统, 解决问题, and 的 latest 暖通空调 technologies, 的 暖通空调培训计划 在富通提供必要的培训,以成为一名出色的暖通空调承包商. 参加其中一个十大正规赌博平台大全的学生学习如何使用计算机诊断来管理和排除通风系统的故障. 他们还可以亲身体验制冷设备的维修和保养, 气体加热器, 热泵, 以及空调系统.

探索富通如何让你在技术行业的道路上,你可以成为一个暖通空调承包商,致力于确保安全, 健康的, and comfortable conditions in residential, 商业, 工业环境.

暖通空调 Technician: Job Description, Requirements, and Outlook
暖通空调与. Electrician: Comparing Career Paths

Architectural Digest, “What Is an 暖通空调 Contractor? (2024年的指南)”
Energy Star, Become a Credentialed 暖通空调 Contractor
Forbes, “What Does An 暖通空调 Contractor Do?”
Houston Chronicle, “How to Become a Licensed 暖通空调 Subcontractor” 
Indeed, How to Become an 暖通空调 Contractor
Insureon, “暖通空调 Contractor License Requirements in 2024”
This Old House, “What Does an 暖通空调 Contractor Do?”
U.S. 劳工统计局,供暖,空调和制冷机械和安装